[30 November] Continuous Reconfigurations. Conference for the Sustainable Tourism, Optimal Resource and Environmental Management Project (STOREM), Universidad Nacional, Chorotega Campus, Nicoya, Guanacaste.

[5 November] Learning to see, Chapter presentation for the online launch of Visual Research Methods in Architecture (Intellect, 2021) edited by Igea Troiani and Susanne Ewing.

[8 October] The Gesture, A Celebration of the Life and Work of Mark Cousins, Autumn symposium organised by Architectural Association School of Architecture, London. Link.

[2 September] Arquitectura, Antropoceno y Geopolítica (in Spanish) Webinar organised by Centro de Estudios Mexicanos UNAM and Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales UCR. YouTube UNAM Costa Rica and FacebookLive OAICE Universidad de Costa Rica

[19 August] Arquitectura regalada, el Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica y la República Popular China (2007-2011) (in Spanish). Virtual Conferences on China, YouTube Live. Organised by Red Académica Latino Americanista sobre Estudios Sinológicos, University of Costa Rica. Convened by Lai Sai Acón and Ricardo Ramírez. Link

[5-7 July] Colonial space-time: China and the Jamaican Parliament. Seminar on Society, Economy and Urban Development on the Caribbean. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Seville. Convened by Emilio Luque Azcona. Programme (in Spanish).

[1 July] Architectural Association Caribbean Global Forum. Programme The event comprises three sessions focusing on contemporary issues relevant to the region: Urban Development and the Sustainable Growth of Cities; Natural Disasters and Resiliency; and Advanced Methodology of Design and its Adaptability to the Caribbean Environment.