[11 October] Arquitectura en deuda, Kingston-Jamaica 2016-2021. Paper presentation for “Historias conectadas del Caribe, Europa, África y las Américas: esclavitud, racialización, resistencias y diversidad cultural.” Organised by Centro Regional CALAS para Centroamérica y el Caribe and Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central (CIHAC), UCR. San José. 

[20 August] Contemporary Architecture in Nantes. Talk at the School of Architecture, UCR. San José.

[20 June] Unbreathable Territories. European Architectural History Network 2024 Conference. The School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece.  

[28 May] Debt is in the Air. Talk at Centre de Recherche Nantais Architectures Urbanités (CRENAU) Organised by Amélie Nicolas. École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Nantes, France.

[17 May] Debt Suspended in the Air. Talk at Ph.D Seminar Series "Interjectures." Organised by Doreen Bernath and Dewei Zhai. Architectural Association, London.

[19 February] Inherited Obligations in Kingston, Jamaica. Seminar at L'Institut d'études avancées de Nantes.

[18 January] Planting Architectures of Debt, Conference at "Europe, mondialisation et transferts culturels," Séminaire de recherche. Organised by Dorothea Bohnekamp. Université Rennes 2.

[8 January]. Intervention at Séminaire "Penser l'interdisciplinarité." Organised by Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange Guépin and L'Institut d'études avancées de Nantes. Link.


[14 December] Entre resistencia, debate y confidencialidad: el proyecto de ‘renovación’ urbana de Downtown Kingston, 2017-2020. XIII Encuentro Internacional RedISCA. Centre Aixois d'Études Romanes. Aix-Marseille Université.

[8 September] Confronting the Dia-logic: Building Practices in China. Instituto Confucio, Universidad de Costa Rica. Organised by Kuok-Wa Chao Chao and Kattia Barrientos.

[27 June] Infrastructure and Divine Signals. Society and Culture PhD Programme, University of Costa Rica. Convened by Adrián Vergara.

[3 May] Architectural Configurations of Gift, Reciprocity and Debt in Jamaica. Faculty of the Built Environment and Caribbean School of Architecture, University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. Convened by Elizabeth Pigou-Dennis, Jacquiann Lawton and Garfield Young.

[13 March ] Here and Now. Online talk for the Design and Spatial Justice Unit. Organised by Menna Agha, Carleton University, Canada.


[7 December ] Territorializations of Dust. Discussion for the Post-Matterialisms Reading Group. Co-organised by Maria Alexandrescu, Dimitra Gkitsa and Katerina Genidogan. Sheffield, London and Athens. Link.

[5-9 July] Resistance: the design of Houses of Parliament in Jamaica 2017-2019. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies (UK). Online.

[31 May] Espaces de la dette : diplomatie, finance et industrie de la construction en Jamaïque. Convened by Luis Mora Rodríguez.Institut d'Études Avancées de Nantes. France. Link

[28 April] Planting Architectures of Debt: Diplomacy, Finance and the Construction Industry in the Caribbean. Paper presented at the 75th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians. Pittsburgh, United States. Recipient of the 2022 SAH Annual Conference Senior Fellowship.


[30 November] Continuous Reconfigurations. Conference for the Sustainable Tourism, Optimal Resource and Environmental Management Project (STOREM), Universidad Nacional, Chorotega Campus, Nicoya, Guanacaste.

[5 November] Learning to see, Chapter presentation for the online launch of Visual Research Methods in Architecture (Intellect, 2021) edited by Igea Troiani and Susanne Ewing.

[8 October] The Gesture, A Celebration of the Life and Work of Mark Cousins, Autumn symposium organised by Architectural Association School of Architecture, London. Link.

[2 September] Arquitectura, Antropoceno y Geopolítica (in Spanish) Webinar organised by Centro de Estudios Mexicanos UNAM and Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales UCR. YouTube UNAM Costa Rica and FacebookLive OAICE Universidad de Costa Rica

[19 August] Arquitectura regalada, el Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica y la República Popular China (2007-2011) (in Spanish). Virtual Conferences on China, YouTube Live. Organised by Red Académica Latino Americanista sobre Estudios Sinológicos, University of Costa Rica. Convened by Lai Sai Acón and Ricardo Ramírez. Link

[5-7 July] Colonial space-time: China and the Jamaican Parliament. Seminar on Society, Economy and Urban Development on the Caribbean. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Seville. Convened by Emilio Luque Azcona. Programme (in Spanish).

[1 July] Architectural Association Caribbean Global Forum. Programme The event comprises three sessions focusing on contemporary issues relevant to the region: Urban Development and the Sustainable Growth of Cities; Natural Disasters and Resiliency; and Advanced Methodology of Design and its Adaptability to the Caribbean Environment.


[11 November]  Architecture of Interdependencies, China and Jamaica: 2005-2019. Online Transversal Dialogues convened by José Enrique Delmonte and organised by Palm Foundation, Dominican Republic. FacebookLive Fundación Palm and Youtube Fundación Palm

[28 February] Bridges and Enclaves: The Biomuseum in Panama City,  Caribbean School of Architecture, University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. Convened by Patricia Green, Elizabeth Pigou-Dennis, Jacquiann Lawton and Garfield Young.

[21 February] So, what’s the Project? Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. Convened by Patricia Green, Elizabeth Pigou-Dennis, Jacquiann Lawton and Garfield Young.

[3 March] Conversation with Ph.D. Candidates, MPhil/Ph.D. Programme  Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. Convened by Patricia Green.  


[29 January] Contemporary architecture in China, preliminary observations. Universidad Veritas, San José, Costa Rica.

[16-19 January]  “Right here, Right there:” regionalisms in China’s foreign aid projects I International Congress of Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: architecture, cities, infrastructures. Organised by Dinamia Centre of Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. Programme

[16-19 January]  ​China in African, Latin American and Caribbean territories: Examining spatial transformations around diplomacy and economic aid, Co-chaired session at I International Congress of Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: architecture, cities, infrastructures. Organised by Dinamia Centre of Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. Programme


[11 November] Preliminary observations on contemporary architecture in China. Organised by AEDA Students' Association,  School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica, San José. 

[25 June] A glimpse at the contemporary Central American Region.  Master's Programme in Urban Planning. Organised by Prof. Wang Xingping, Southeast University, Nanjing. 

[15 March] Think of this, when they give you a building, what are they giving you? the National Stadium of Costa Rica 2007-11.  Piensa en esto: ¿Qué te regalan cuando te regalan un edificio?  Keynote Speaker, II Research Symposium, School of Architecture and Urbanism, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica


[6-10 October] From Islands to Corridors: forms of the natural territory in Costa Rica, 1990-2010. I Study days UCR-UNAM. School of Architecture, UCR

[6-8 September] Architecture and the migration of forms. Iconoclasm and Iconodulia, VII History of Art Simposium Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. Programme


[10-12 October] Coloniality of knowledge, nature and architecture: the Biomuseum in Panama City. Mundo, imperios y naciones: la redefinición del arte colonial, XL Art History International Colloquium, Institute of Aesthetic Research, UNAM, Mexico City. Presentation

[4-7 October] The instrumentalisation of cultural exchange, the new National Stadium in Costa Rica, IV Rethinking Latin America Colloquium, Research Centre on Identity and Latin American Culture, University of Costa Rica.

[21 September] Image and the production of architecture. Roundtable: Forms of art as forms of knowledge, philosophical challenges posed by the epistemologies of artistic processes. Closing event at XXII Philosophical Research Study Days, School of Philosophy, University of Costa Rica.

[13 July] Architecture and State Power : the Costa Rican Parliament Project. ICOMOS-Costa Rica. 

[26 April] Architecture as Gift. Central American History Research Centre, University of Costa Rica.

[6-10 April] The Imperative of the Generic in the Diplimatic Gift: The Chinese Stadium in Costa Rica. 2016 Society of Architectural Historians International Conference, Pasadena, L.A. Programme


[14 December]. Rendering. Interdisciplinary Network of Discourse Studies. Convened by Adrián Vergara. University of Costa Rica.

[3 September] The coming project. Spanish Cultural Center in Costa Rica. Programme and News

[15 June] Key texts by Claire Bishop. Organised by Fundación TEOR/ética and University of Costa Rica.

[8 April] En nombre de lo singular: el Biomuseo en Panamá.  “Facades” Series. Convened by Alejandra Celedón, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de San Sebastián. Santiago, Chile. News 

[12 January] Learning to See: the Visual Autobiography of Otto Neurath.  Ph.D Seminar Series, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London. Programme


[September 23] Otto Neurath’s Political Graphologies. Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Costa Rica.

[April 23] Mimian Hsu in conversation with Valeria Guzmán and Doreen Bernath, TEOR/ética Foundation , San José, Costa Rica. Convened by Gabriela Sáenz.

[March 19-21] Seeing and Reasoning in Architecture. What Images Do Symposium, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. Copenhagen. Presentation.


[May 10] Typology and the Grid. AAPhD Dialogues 2013: The Grid, Architectural Association, London. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/VIDEO/lecture.php?ID=2121


[28 September] Form and Fact. Forum for Interdisciplinary Dialogue, Jefferson Scholars Foundation, University of Virginia, USA. 

[October]The City as Infoscape. Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Cuernavaca, Mexico. 

[October] Wiki-city. Universidad Autónoma de Queretaro, Mexico.

[10 October] The Image of Fact, XXXVI Art History International Colloquium. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM, Mexico. Presentation

[April] Experiments on architectural drawings. Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Costa Rica.


[1 June] Obstructions. Training as architect, thinking about architecture. I Interventions and Debates Series. School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica.


The statistical layout or how to make use of information. Histories and Theories Diploma course: China and the Pictorial Introjection, Architectural Association.


[May 2] Based on Facts. Critique of the New Symposium. Architectural Association.


The Faraway. Architectural Association / Open University Postgraduate Research Seminar. Architectural Association.