[7 December ] Territorializations of Dust. Discussion for the Post-Matterialisms Reading Group. Co-organised by Maria Alexandrescu, Dimitra Gkitsa and Katerina Genidogan. Sheffield, London and Athens. Link.
[5-9 July] Resistance: the design of Houses of Parliament in Jamaica 2017-2019. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies (UK). Online.
[31 May] Espaces de la dette : diplomatie, finance et industrie de la construction en Jamaïque. Convened by Luis Mora Rodríguez.Institut d'Études Avancées de Nantes. France. Link
[28 April] Planting Architectures of Debt: Diplomacy, Finance and the Construction Industry in the Caribbean. Paper presented at the 75th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians. Pittsburgh, United States. Recipient of the 2022 SAH Annual Conference Senior Fellowship.