Knowing How: Seminar on Global Infrastructure Space

Keller Easterling, Yale University
School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica.
May 19 - 23 2017
Convened by Valeria Guzmán Verri
Funded by University of Costa Rica-OAICE

Repeatable formulas like spatial products and free-zone cities make most of the space in the world, and some of the world’s most radical changes are being written in the language of this almost infrastructural spatial matrix. Administered by mixtures of state and non-state players and driven by profound irrationalities, infrastructure space generates de facto, undeclared forms of polity that can outpace law. As unlikely as it may seem, this matrix space potentially brings to our art another relevance with different aesthetic pleasures and political capacities. The expanded techniques of form-making and political activism—the means to hack the operating system—often rely not only on “know that” but also on “knowing how.”

Translation The action is the form / La acción es la forma, in Revistarquis 8, 2019.
