[10-12 October] Coloniality of knowledge, nature and architecture: the Biomuseum in Panama City. Mundo, imperios y naciones: la redefinición del arte colonial, XL Art History International Colloquium, Institute of Aesthetic Research, UNAM, Mexico City. Presentation
[4-7 October] The instrumentalisation of cultural exchange, the new National Stadium in Costa Rica, IV Rethinking Latin America Colloquium, Research Centre on Identity and Latin American Culture, University of Costa Rica.
[21 September] Image and the production of architecture. Roundtable: Forms of art as forms of knowledge, philosophical challenges posed by the epistemologies of artistic processes. Closing event at XXII Philosophical Research Study Days, School of Philosophy, University of Costa Rica.
[13 July] Architecture and State Power : the Costa Rican Parliament Project. ICOMOS-Costa Rica.
[26 April] Architecture as Gift. Central American History Research Centre, University of Costa Rica.
[6-10 April] The Imperative of the Generic in the Diplimatic Gift: The Chinese Stadium in Costa Rica. 2016 Society of Architectural Historians International Conference, Pasadena, L.A. Programme